The Lost Coin Ministry

The Lost Coin Ministry – Why this name?

The Lost Coin Ministry was founded from a deep desire to share the good news we found from the Bible. The parable about the lost coin told by Jesus has some beautiful applications for all of us (you can read it in Luke 15:8-10).

The lost coin represents those in our proximity (family, friends, working place, neighborhood, village etc) who don’t feel any need to read the Bible, to seek God and to fulfill His plan for their lives. As the silver coin from the parable, they have no idea that they are lost and they don’t cry for help (at least we don’t usually hear that interior cry).

The Lost Coin - Parable of Jesus meaning and application for todayThe person in the parable who is searching for the coin, first of all feels that something (somebody) is missing. Though she still has 9 coins, she wants to find the tenth coin, the missing one. We have to feel the same about others. We shouldn’t have peace when we know that not just one person but many around us (even in the family or among our relatives) may die one day being still far away from God. Secondly, the one woman from the parable does three things: lights a lamp, sweeps the house and seeks diligently. We have to do these things in our own lives. Otherwise there is no chance to find any lost silver coin. God’s Word has to be followed as a light, the Holy Spirit has to be allowed and invited to do a deep cleaning in our lives and then we have to pray, love and help those who are represented by the lost coin.

The Lost Coin Ministry - Once Lost But Now Found

The Lost Coin Ministry – our projects

Small evangelistic meetings are already started in the Wollaton Hall Community Centre in Nottingham (UK) where we invite friends, people we know. The meetings are open also for anyone who wants to get closer to God, no matter their background. We believe that Jesus is coming back very soon and we want as many people as possible to meet Him with joy and happiness, not with regret and despair because of their unpreparedness.

We have also some big plans for the future (not for the far future, of course). Because most of the people suffer because of lifestyle related diseases, we want to establish a sanitarium outside of Nottingham, in the countryside, where people can be treated by using the natural remedies left by God. We plan also to open a vegan restaurant in Nottingham to encourage people to live healthier (+ cooking classes and health presentations for all those interested).

The Lost Coin Ministry (on this website you can see all the videos recorded, organized under 3 big topics: Health Talks, Christian Apologetics and Walk With God )

2 thoughts on “The Lost Coin Ministry

  1. Hello friends. My name is Maycon Bruno, I am Director of Publishing Ministry 88. I am a member of the Tabernacule Seventh-day Adventist Church in Portland Oregon. Our ministry is nonprofit. We publish books and translate lectures into Portuguese. I watched a short video about Madison School that you guys made. I want to translate this video into portuguese and post it on our Youtube channel. That’s why I ask permission for you. Thank you.

    • sorry for the delay in responding to your request. there were some technical issues which are now solved. you can translate whatever you consider necessary and helpful. may the Lord bless you and keep you faithful!

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